Heroic 4-Year-Old Uses Alexa to Save Her Mom During Seizure

Imagine this: you’re four years old, playing or watching TV, and suddenly, your mom collapses in front of you. For little Lyla Leathem, this wasn’t just a scenario from her imagination—it was reality. Her mother, Leah Biggs, who has epilepsy, suffered a severe seizure at their home in Bridgwater, Somerset, England.

Now, most kids might panic, freeze, or cry. But Lyla? She was calm, collected, and knew exactly what to do, thanks to some prior preparation from her family. She tried to unlock her mom’s phone to call for help but couldn’t get past the lock screen. That’s when this quick-thinking little girl remembered something life-saving: the family’s Amazon Alexa.

The Call for Help

Running to her mother’s bedroom, Lyla used Alexa to call her great-grandmother (or “Nana”). Imagine how nerve-wracking that moment must have been. But Lyla didn’t let fear stop her. When Nana picked up, the 4-year-old simply said, “Mommy’s having a fit,” letting her know it was urgent. Without skipping a beat, her Nana comforted her and instructed her to sit with her mom, stroke her hair, and tell her everything was going to be okay while help was on the way.

Lyla’s ability to act fast probably saved her mom’s life. And let’s not forget how brave this was—Lyla had to leave her mom’s side, make the decision to use Alexa, and call for help when her phone plan didn’t work​(Not the Bee | What a time to be alive​(FOX 28 Spokane).

Preparation Pays Off

It wasn’t just luck that Lyla knew what to do. Her family had taken steps to prepare her, knowing that her mom’s condition could be dangerous. Leah Biggs, a 24-year-old mom, often experiences seizures, especially at night. Family members had shown Lyla how to use the Alexa to make phone calls, just in case she ever needed to get help in an emergency​.

But, come on, how many of us think a 4-year-old would actually remember that? Turns out, Lyla did. She even knew when to act, despite wanting to stay by her mom’s side. This showed a level of maturity beyond her years—choosing to leave her mom temporarily to make sure the right person was contacted​

The Aftermath and a Well-Deserved Reward

After the ordeal, Lyla’s great-grandmother rushed to the house and helped Leah recover from the seizure. Thankfully, Leah is now doing better and is resting at home.

The community was so impressed by Lyla’s actions that her Nana decided to publicly celebrate her. She posted on social media looking for a ‘well done’ certificate for her brave granddaughter. The post went viral, with many people chiming in to offer certificates, trophies, and words of praise for this young hero. Lyla was officially recognized with a certificate and even featured in a local newspaper​.

Leah, like any proud mom, couldn’t stop talking about how amazing her daughter is. She’s been carrying around the newspaper article, showing everyone how Lyla stayed calm and brave during such a frightening situation​(Not the Bee | What a time to be alive).

A Lesson for All of Us

Lyla’s story isn’t just about a smart kid using a cool gadget. It’s a reminder that technology can play a crucial role in emergencies, even in unexpected hands. It also shows how critical it is to prepare children for emergencies. You never know when they might be the ones who need to act fast and think clearly.

If anything, this incident reinforces how important it is to teach kids how to use devices like Alexa or Siri in emergencies, especially when they are too young to fully handle a smartphone. With the right instructions, even the youngest family members can step up when needed.

Final Thoughts

This 4-year-old’s quick thinking and use of Alexa were a combination of smart parenting, preparation, and bravery. Lyla’s ability to remain calm under pressure should inspire other families to talk about emergency plans. While we hope kids won’t need to use this knowledge often, it’s always better to be prepared. So, maybe take a page from Lyla’s book and make sure your little ones know how to get help if you’re ever in trouble. You never know when they might surprise you!

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